How to create a design content

Corey Korsgaard

August 29, 2024



In the ever-evolving realm of business, where companies vie for a sliver of consumer attention, design is not merely an ornament but a sculptor of identity. Imagine design as a delicate artist's brush, painting your company’s portrait in the grand gallery of the marketplace. This brush does more than just add color—it molds perception, forges connections, and etches your company’s essence into the collective consciousness of your audience. Let us embark on a journey through the fascinating interplay between design and identity, and uncover how this relationship shapes the very soul of your business.

The canvas of first impressions

In the realm of design, the logo is akin to a poet's opening line—a succinct, powerful introduction that sets the stage for the story to follow. Picture the iconic swoosh of Nike or the golden arches of McDonald's. These symbols are not merely graphical; they are distilled narratives, each curve and line imbued with a story that resonates far beyond their visual simplicity.

“Colors speak in whispers and shouts, evoking feelings that words often cannot. A bold red might ignite passion”
Typography voice of the brand

Typography is the subtle maestro of your brand’s voice. It wields the power to convey tone, character, and personality with the simple choice of a typeface. Fonts are the unsung heroes of design, whispering messages through their form and structure.

A stately serif might suggest tradition and reliability, much like the pages of an esteemed novel, while a sleek sans-serif might speak of modernity and innovation, reminiscent of a cutting-edge science fiction tale. Each character, each space, contributes to the narrative of your brand. Typography is the voice of your written communications, translating your company’s values into a legible form.

Crafting the experience
  • The digital stage

Your website is the virtual stage where your brand performs its daily show. A well-crafted design ensures that every element—from layout to navigation—enhances the user experience and aligns with your brand’s narrative. The seamless flow and engaging visuals transform visitors into audience members, eager to explore more.

  • Consistent Narration

Marketing materials are the chapters in your brand’s ongoing saga. Consistency across brochures, social media, and advertising reinforces your brand’s message and character. Each piece should align with your visual identity, ensuring a cohesive and compelling story that resonates with your audience.